Working with a small business has many benefits like flexibility, expertise, and satisfaction. When you put all those components together, it creates an overall personalized experience that is unique and special to each client.

At Concepts In Art, we value the personal relationship that we get to build with our clients. That’s why we wanted to give you the chance to get to know our Owner, Jenny Gaffney!

Are you a Wisconsin native? If not, what led you to move to Wisconsin?

Yes, I was born and raised in Wisconsin and will be a lifelong Packer fan!

What industry did you work in before entering the art industry?

I started my career working for a small frame shop focusing on my customer service skills. From there I worked for a couple manufacturing companies, but realized I had a passion for being creative, and missed that part of my career. I then found an opportunity with a large retail company where I was able to take on various customer experience tasks, including my favorite, remodeling store fronts and local offices. And that led me to where I am today!

What is your favorite art medium? Why?

I would say Acrylic. I like the rich color you get from this medium, as well as the different depths that it can create, varying from transparent to chunky.

Being a female, small business owner; what advice do you have for other women out there that want to potentially own their own business one day?

Don’t sell yourself short! Life is a journey and each step I had taken in my past careers made me stronger, and offered growth, helping me to get where I am today. It doesn’t all come fast or when you want it, but working towards your goal over time, and taking it step-by-step has helped me to be a successful female, small business owner! So always keep your end goal in mind!

What makes you want to get out of bed and run Concepts In Art?

A combination of loving what I do every day, having a passion for art, and wanting to help bring out the joy and excitement from employees, clients and businesses, that wouldn’t be there without art!

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

I love summer, so basically anything you can do outside in the summer! Some of my favorite activities are boating, golfing, camping, and relaxing on the beach. But, regardless of the season, spending time and making memories with friends, family, and traveling are my favorite!

Building an emotional connection in the workplace with Art

As we transition employees back into the workplace some things to consider are re-connecting our employees with office culture, reconfiguration of the space to allow for more distancing and inviting customers back into our buildings.

For the staff who has spent the better part of the past year working remotely returning to the office routine may feel uneasy or unsettling. Obviously, you want everyone to feel welcome and safe upon returning but this transition represents a change for both you and them.

Some questions you may want to ask yourself are:

  • How do I motivate employees to want to come back?
  • How do I make them feel comfortable and safe?
  • How can I re-connect or improve the workplace culture?

For our customers, this represents an opportunity to re-connect with the brand in person and solidify the relationship visually. In either scenario, art is an easy way for you to completely re-connect people with your culture and your brand. Art is a non-verbal way to inspire and motivate people.

Some considerations are:

  • Nature / Landscape Art – reduce stress and can help boost productivity.
  • Vibrant / Bold Abstract Art – increases positive mood, broadens attention and allow us to see more possible solutions to creative problems.
  • Office Branded Art – fosters the pride you take in your company and your office, which trickles down to your employees and your customers. Office art creates a workplace that your employees are proud to walk into every day.

For those continuing with a more flexible work environment finding fun ways to incorporate artwork for your work-from-home employees can help them feel more connected and promote teamwork even when they aren’t physically there.

No matter what direction your company decides to go, visually creating a space that showcases your culture and boosts your brand is important and can help to create long-term success.