Tag Archive for: leadership

2024: Our 46th year in business and fourth under the leadership of Concepts in Art’s Owner and Art Consultant, Jenny Gaffney. With the new year in full swing, we figured it was time to reintroduce our fearless leader at the heart of all the action.

Keep reading to get to know more about the #1 enemy of boring workspaces and blank white walls!

When did you know art consulting was your calling?

I knew as soon as I shadowed the previous owner that this was what I was meant to do. Everything about the process – from working directly with artists to executing the installation – was appealing to me since it combined my two favorite things: art and making new relationships!

What is your #1 piece of advice/rule when it comes to choosing, designing, or installing art? 

I would say the #1 most important thing is to ensure the piece(s) that you’ve chosen is a truly interesting, but efficient, use of the space you have available. Before I even begin to start sourcing the art or deciding on a color palette, there is a lot of meticulous measuring that needs to be done to determine what size work of art will best suit the space – without being overpowering or distracting. 

Along the same line, I always like to walk through clients’ spaces beforehand since it helps me get a sense for the room and its finishes (floor color, natural light, furniture, etc). That’s one of the most common things to overlook as people normally just focus on wall color. 

Do you have a favorite medium?

Definitely acrylic – I just love the texture! Even the simplest piece of acrylic art naturally brings so much character and personality to a space just because of its texture. 

What is your favorite part of the consulting process? 

The grand reveal is my favorite part because the relationships I’ve made with my clients always makes it that much sweeter!

One of the things that makes us different is that we execute every part of the process – from planning the space to sourcing the art to installing it – so we get to see our clients and their employees’ full reactions to the finished project. We are very lucky to work with some truly amazing businesses, so their reactions mean everything to me. It’s absolutely the best part of my job. 

What are you most excited for in 2024?

Well, I’m obviously excited for all of the amazing new projects that are to come! But I am really looking forward to connecting with all of the inspiring women in the Southeast WI area at TEMPO Emerging Women Leaders (EWL) meetings and events. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to connect and learn from such dynamic business women, and I can’t wait to get started.

Outside of my professional life, I am super excited for a couple of bucket list trips I have planned – especially a trip to Ireland for St. Patrick’s Day.